Lost Finale

What did you Lost-ites think of the finale? I have to admit I was left a bit confused. If they all died when the plane crashed, how did the story unfold at all? If they are all dead and have been since the crash, somehow I feel like I wasted 5-6 years watching the show. Someone has to be able to explain this to me!
Hurley and Ben continued to live as caretakers of the island, until they too died. Presumably, they were able to return Desmond to Penny and their son as suggested by Ben. Kate "missed Jack so much" because she lived a full life and died after many years of missing him (think Rose in "Titanic"). They all simply found each other in the Sideways world after their deaths and moved on together.
Now I just have to explain it to my husband.
Anyway, the major annoyance for me this season was not giving Jacob's brother a name. I chat a lot about Lost online, and it got old typing "Man in Black," "MIB," "Smoke Monster," "Smokey," "Smocke," and "Flocke" (Fake Locke). I just wanted a name, even if it was the overly obvious Esau.
I sometimes go to the darkufo page ([url]www.darkufo.blogspot.com[/url]), a fan-run site for all things Lost. Someone reported there that a script actually called him Samuel. Is that true? I have no idea. If it is, why was it never revealed? I have no idea.
And speaking of having no idea, there were a few mysteries that never got explained. Now, I'm at peace with the finale. I was initially put off by the whole "the alt time line is purgatory" bit, but upon further reflection, it was a nice way to send off some of the greatest characters to grace the TV screen -- healthy, happy, and redeemed. But the geek in me would have loved some more answers. Apparently the folks at collegehumor.com agree. Here is a funny video they posted that lists just a few of Lost's unsolved mysteries:
If the church was a place the survivors created to all meet after death, why did they have to be reintroduced to one another/have an awakening?
Sounds like a plan for a few "lost" weekends next winter.