Family Responsibilities - Discrimination

Hi -- If we have an employee who claims she was forced to quit because she's a working mother and we hired a replacement who is also a working mother, are we in the clear if the employee who quit files a discrimination charge? Her performance was very uneven while she was here and was poor during the last 2 months she worked here. Thanks for your help!
what do you mean by "forced to quit"? is she saying you did what the courts call "constructive discharge" (your company treated her so poorly that she was forced to quit), or is she saying that the she was unable to balance her caregiving responsibilities with the demands of the job?
it really comes down to how you treat employees with caregiving duties. there is no specific protection for caregivers but if you treat a female caregiver differently than a male caregiver, reassign an employee based on the assumption that they won't be able to handle the job now that they are parents, or create a hostile work environment for a woman because she is a mother, it would be a violation of the law on discrimination.