Pay Act Legislation

I read that Congress is working on a bill that would overturn the recent Supreme Court decision on the statute of limitations for filing pay discrimination claims. What does everyone think about the impact this will have on the workplace? I have to admit I haven't taken time to read the bill yet.
Yes, Rep. Rosa DeLauro is introducing the bill in the House and Sen Hillary Clinton is introducing the legislation in the senate.
Rep. DeLauro has said "When the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 against Ms. Ledbetter this Spring, it decided that a victim of pay disparity should be able to document a discriminatory difference in pay within a mere six months, despite the typical office secrecy over income. When women still earn only about 77 percent of what men earn, this ruling leaves them with no remedy, essentially rolling back efforts to ensure equal pay."
I thought it was interesting that she mentioned "typical office secrecy over income."
Upon vetoing the bill, Bush will probably distort what the bill purports to do--he'll claim that it will "open the floodgates for lawsuits", etc.