Attendance Issue - nepotism?

We recently had an employee miss three consecutive days of work due to being sick. When she returned to work her manager requested a doctor's note releasing her to return to work and told her that if she couldn't produce this note she would have to leave work until she had one. She has filed a complaint with us because she found out her co-worker (who happens to be the manager's son) was not required to submit a doctor's note to return to work when he was also recently gone for three days due to an illness. Now here's where I am confused (aside from being royally irritated with the manager) - our company policy does not state anywhere that an employee who misses 3 consecutive days of work has to submit a doctor's note releasing them to return to work. However, is there some kind of law here in Kansas that requires that for ALL employees? I can't find any information regarding this issue and I'm not sure if it's a regulation or just "common knowledge." Obviously, the employee has a very valid complaint and it will be investigated completely. I know how we will proceed with this but I want all my ducks in a row prior to the conclusion of the investigation. Also, I want to amend our policy to make it mandatory for all employees to submit doctor's notes when they are out at least 3 consecutive days due to illness - whether the state requires it or not. Thanks for your help - attendance issues aren't my strong point. [:S]