Furlough an employee

When you furlough an employee do you need to add any special language to the severance agreement? Do you have to state the date that they will be asked back to work? Does the employee stay on the company health benefits?
Any insight would be helpful. Thanks
Normally, one of the postive things about a furhough is that furloughed employees keep their benefits and wage levels. Usually, employees would know how long the furlough will be--i.e. a week, a month, etc. As long as your empoyees are at-will, you can extend the furlough. if need be. As far as severance agreements, they're usually executed when there is a layoff, not a furlough.
Hey There!
Here is a copy of the policy I have written for furlough actions that may help answer some of your questions. Where you see ><, it's just where I have taken out the name of the company for security. Hope this helps! Please see below
><, in conjunction with the Executive Director, may declare a temporary reduction in operations with appropriate documentation of an emergency status, where the Partnership is kept open on a reduced-staffing and/or reduced-schedule basis – which could include schedule reductions, furloughs, and/or pay rate reductions. A furlough is defined as a temporary layoff of an employee or employees with the expectation of recall.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The Partnership is committed to:
In the event that a furlough is activated, employees are ensured of the following benefits:
Employees furloughed for more than one week (5 consecutive work days) may be eligible for Unemployment Compensation Insurance Benefits through the North Carolina Employment Security Commission. The Partnership will assist any eligible employee in applying for unemployment from the Partnership. This assistance is voluntary and the Partnership does not guarantee the award of unemployment benefits. If, at the end of the furlough period, the Partnership finds that it no longer requires the services of this employee or these employees, the Partnership’s layoff provisions will apply.