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  • Fire him and go celebrate his helping you out by being such a moron!!!!!!! You must be living right. My $0.02 worth, The Balloonman
  • Sounds like you now need to discipline a writing, and harshly. My $0.02 worth, DJ The Balloonman
  • If they were basic injuries, couple stiches etc. and no lost time, leave them alone and correct as you go forward. Bringing this up to the attention of the division of WC serves no practical purpose, and can only cause you grief. My $0.02 worth, D…
  • While some may feel I can be a hard ass at times, in this case it appears we are dealing with a caring individual of high character. In looking at this you must always think when going into what one thinks is a gray area how often will this come up…
  • Would need more info........but if he is or you suspect a malingerer....complaining is the #1 tactic. Did you ask them to determine if he is legit? First off, don't debate if he is in pain, say you understand, but the doctors have decided that he …
  • I would tell her to give it a few days and see how it goes, compare her output to the others. Also observe, make sure there is appropriate level of effort being expanded. My $0.02 worth, DJ THe Ballloonman
  • That is not perfect to me.......they missed 4 weeks. Count the 4 weeks against them. My $0.02 worth, DJ The Balloonman
  • Actaully most companies audit, they are going to be looking at payroll numbers to compare it to those estimates used for determining payroll. From there you could either get money back if your payroll and exposure was lower, or if it was higher you…
  • Why type of job/employer are you? If it is say a convienence store WC may be liable. Issue that will determine was this an exposure created by employment, or just the act of a lunatic? Hard to say, I am fortunate to have not run into this in the…
  • You are right SMace, but if you leave via ambulance, then don't come back and there is no contact? That is different. Fact that it may or may not be WC while it may cloudy it does not relieve the employee from following the company policies. You…
  • While I would like more information, if he has not contacted you, going on a month without contact I would terminate for no call no show. Fact is even if it is work related that does not relieve him of the obligation to keep you informed and stay i…
  • You are required to pay for the glasses..... If they need a new prescription or exam that is on their dime..... B'man
  • Terminate the insurance carrier and explain you believe this to be a completely bogus claim and that you would like them to investigate it.........and deny if at all possible. My $0.02 worth, Balloonman
  • Does not have to be a road construction project.....could be any construction project... They will video or take pics, before saying hi and starting the inspection...... B'man
  • What do you thing the right thing to do is? What do you have to lose by granting it? How many employees have "parnters"? Look at it this way.....for the cost of a couple days of bereavement pay you will make an employee feel valued. If you you f…
  • What do you thing the right thing to do is? What do you have to lose by granting it? How many employees have "parnters"? Balloonman
  • So are you going to run background checks on everyone who picks up an employee from work? Or shall you do background checks on all spouses? That could be interesting though. You might sit down with the exec secretary and tell her to mind her …
  • And do it this week, like today. Pay her out through Friday. The longer you wait the worse it gets. That and if you are really unlucky she will get hurt then you will really be screwed. B'man
  • Ray, I have had the same thing happen!!!!!!!! Funny how that works. :-) B'man
  • I wonder what he is in jail for? Let us know once you find out....... Fire him effective Friday. Balloonman
  • First off, this is a questionable claim, do to the employee's inconsistent statements. Call the doctors office and ask that all notes be faxed over to you. The page the patient fills out as well as teh Q&A the doc did. Call your WC adjuster,(s…
  • Most people who do auditing and consulting with the big accounting firms eventually tire of getting on a plane every Sunday and being gone a week at a time. Most of the time they are offered a position with a client. To me I always saw this as the…
  • You might as well call.........and ask for a judgement in your favor, point out the fact that writing down the wrong date is not an emergency and that none of the material facts have changed. You have nothing to lose........ Balloonman
  • And you could also get hit by a foul ball. At some point enough is enough........ I would not worry about it. Balloonman
  • By them a for the cops on tv all the time....... ;-) Balloonman
  • Sorry I cut out early on Friday.....had a big party I was guest of honor at.... NO it was about the Q&A was a joke.......... sorry Paul, but a first year lawyer could have done a better job than whoever the lazy bum was who …
  • Yes! Tell them, sorry you do not get to fire him. Oh, btw, here is a little written notice to you about not writting up unsafe behavior. My $0.02 worth, Balloonman
  • What did you do the first three times? Was he written up for unsafe behavior? If so term him. If not, tread cautiously. Remember the outcome of an accident is chance, could be a scratch, could be 7 stiches and recordable. It is the action, the …
  • You owe her for the tape. Tell the manager to clean the cover off and bring it back in from home. :-D Balloonman If you needed to save it for evidence, why did he dispose of it? Just give her money out of petty cash.
  • Parabeagle.........maybe her manager is a perv!!!!!!! If it were me, and the receptionist was cool with it, I would have left the whole thing go........but I am a perv too! Balloonman