Appropriate Communication

I have a number of people in our company who are unaware of what appropriate communication is. Starts at the top, goes on down. Does anyone have a checklist for training that they could share? There are the obvious ones - protected classes and etc. - but what about, oh, not calling an employee an idiot within hearing range of the employee in question, let alone other employees?

Thanks . . .


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This reminds me of my wife's first teaching job in the public school system. First Grade. Rather than teaching phonics, spelling, addition, which item in a set of 5 was different from all the others...that sort of mundane stuff; she was expected to spend the first 6 months of the year teaching them not to slap each other, not to punch each other, not to pee in the corner, how to raise their hand politely, not to call each other M-F, not to spit toward the teacher, not to extend their middle finger, how to flush a commode, how to stand in line without pinching or punching, not to throw their food across the cafeteria. About Mid March, they got around to how to sit quietly and speak one at a time in their inner voice (as they called it). Good luck.
  • Don....sounds to me like something they should have been taught at home! I read an interesting article the other day where the statement was made that employers are now reaping the benefits of what parents are raising (or not)!
  • My boss's rule is, would you say it in front of a group of nuns? If yes, it is appropriate, if not, it is inappropriate.
  • HRCALICO: I suggest you consider the 10 DANGER ZONES FOR SUPERVISORS, produced and marketed by this very company (M L Smith). It is well worth the money and it will easily cover the entire gamit of subjects and areas of interest. The program is very easy to facilitate. One can easily add good company examples of the very issues and get lots of trainee input and decussions. I have used it for 3 years and it works for me and the training of supervisors and managers. We made every manager and supervisor attend and we put it on their plates and made them eat it. It also helps a lot, if you will serve a good, slow cooked, set of BBQed Ribs while consuming the 10 Danger Zones for Supervisors!

    By the way welcome to the forum! I seem to be writing that a lot lately.


    PS: James, my address is still the same as before just send the commission perk or reduce my membership fee for the testimony! Every one have a Blessed day.
  • Thanks, Pork, for the testimony. I'll look into it and notify James if he should go ahead and cut a check due to my order. I'd have to serve corn-fed Nebraska beef, though! I'm mostly a plant eater, but after marrying a cow farmer, I find that I'm in the minority around here.

    Thanks, also for the welcome; but I've been lurking about for a few years. I opted to change my screen name which involved my maiden name after getting hitched to aforementioned farmer.
  • HRCALICO: That's ok, I eat beef also, but for the last 5+ years, I have a greater priority and taste for PORK, the other white meat. We buy tons and tons of corn from Nebraska, and raise HOGs in Iowa, so your corn growing might just also feed our herd!

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