Comp Time

Hi All,
At our organization we have a comp time policy for exempt employees. The gist is that exempt employees are eligible for compensatory time if they work an excessive amount of overtime. While we don't necessarily want to create a specific formula, we need to tie more criteria around this because in its current state the policy is administered unevenly because it is so vague. Does anyone have a similar policy? If so, how is it administered? Thanks in advance for your help.

- Jez


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't really have a formula for comp time but what we do is offer one day off a 'comp day' for any exempt employees that have to attend a meeting or has travelled for the organization on a weekend day.

    I think that if we did have exempt ees that work overtime often (and we really don't), I think it should be something like anything over 6 hours per week of overtime would qualify that person to receive comp time.

    Good luck.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-22-04 AT 11:13AM (CST)[/font][br][br]When the terms "exempt" and "overtime" collide in the same sentence, you have contrary concepts. As you know, there is no such thing as overtime for exempt EEs. They can be worked 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. On top of that, any tracking of exempt hours can lead to trouble with respect to exempt status.

    If you are really interested in formalizing something around this, you would need to begin with defining the term "excessive." Then decide if you are trying for some sort of 1 to 1 relationship for time worked above that.

    Since exempt ees are paid by the week, you have a lot of flexibility about how a week is structured. If you allow it, and the EE's can accomplish it, you can have them do their entire workload in a day or two and not require them to show up the rest of the week.

    When circumstance such as you have described occur around here, the direct report of the EEs who need the time off just give a head nod, making sure that their spot is covered while they are gone. Yes, this can lead to issues of one EE getting a better deal than another, but in the last analysis, we base everything on job performance rather than time at the shop.
  • Unless an organization is in the Public Sector there is no such thing as "comp" time. In fact it is illegal. Check out the DOL website.
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