FMLA Claim

...Ex-employee files a complaint with the state claiming we denied him FML protection. The ee was fired last year outside of any HR input by a director who quit right after firing the ee. When I finally investigated the claim, I was very uncomfortable with the firing. The ee filed the complaint late with the state and we are awaiting the ee's appeal from the original determination that was in our favor (by the state due to an untimely filing). I think we stand a good chance of the ruling going in our favor because although the emploee was ill there were some days he communicated with the faility during the 30 days which shows he was not completey incapacitated so should have filed the complaint within the state required 30 days from the event as reguired. All that said, I am very worried about the FED FMLA. After all is said and done the Director failed to offer him FML. Even though he did not ask for it and we have posters up, all information I can gather shows that the courts are not easy on the er in cases like this. I am in contact with our attorney and we are going to really dig into this one.
I have spoken with the VP to let her know that I would be very uncomfortable if the ex files a Fed level FML Complaint and how that could go.
We are going to discuss settlement options-Who has had to deal with anything like this? If the ee files at the Fed level and if the Feds side in his favor, what might we expect? I know these cases can take years so what if they made us pay back wages-how does that work? I have never felt that we stand a chance of losing any cases in the past and frankly I have never lost a complaint. Attorneys can navigate the "wherefores" and "therefores" but I need some first hand experience stories with this.


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