Administrative Assistants

Do any of you guys have a system for pricing the salaries on Administrative Assistants? We have several in our facility and they have varying degrees of responsibility, but are in the same salary range. And...they all think they are not paid enough. The danger is a manager will sometimes give a really good AA more and more tasks to do and then all of a sudden, she is demanding a raise for taking on more tasks, which is not outlandish. Then the others call the "AA Hotline" and find out how much each other is making. When you give one a raise, all the others start screaming that they do just as much and are just as valuable.

Is is extremely hard to price these people. A good AA is worth their weight in gold and extremely hard to find. But, I've found a lot of these folks think they are worth a whole lot more than they actually are.

Any suggestions????


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sounds like your managers are abusing the job by giving some AA's more duites and hirgher level duties that the compnay doesn't intend to be part of the AA job duties. Is there a standard job descriptions for the administrative assistant job? The AA duty can widely some uch--some see the AA as a secretar. In our agency, our administrative assistant are lowevl staff analysts, dealing with such issues as the budget, faciilties, planning, etc. and are not secretaries.

    Can you do a job or classification study of all AA's to determine what duties they are doing and then for those emplyees who are doing more duties than not at a level higher than AA reclass their postion to the higher level? This would clearly make a dsinticiton betrween the actuall AA's and the ones who may hold the title but are dong so much more.

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