37.5 HRS. TO 40?

Our company pays an annualized salary to nonexempt employees for a 37.5 hr. work week. They are paid additional hrly rate for hours worked to 40 hrs. We want to change our policy so salary is for a work week of no less than 37.5 hours but not over 40. After 40, of course, they'll get time and 1/2. Do you see any potential problems? Any suggestions on the best way to communicate this new policy to the employees?
Do any of the jobs really need 40 hours? If so still bad.
They are going to argue that point even if you don't think so.
Also some will be waiting by the door for quitting time even if they have some work left to do. "I'm not working for free!"
Have you exhausted every avenue of dealing with the situation from a disciplinary standpoint? Start writing them up for coming in early. Also if they stay late without authorization, write them up. You still have to pay them, but you can discipline and terminate if necessary.
I would try to exhaust every avenue before screwing with their pay. That is something they will never foget, especially if exempts are not taking a hit also.
Communicate any changes in your discipline policy before you start writing ee's up.
My advice -- lots of positive spin and PR! Good luck.....
As to communicating, I would emphasize the need for cost control to stay competitive, keep the bank healthy (profitable) which will result in job security and perhaps, performance bonuses and raises.
Depending on how you handle the salary and the varying hours of work, you may or may not be permitted under FLSA to dock the salary for absences during the week. Remember as non-exempts, section 541.118 of the FLSA regulations is not applicable to them.
Remember, your state wage and hour law may or may not permit what FLSA permits in this regard. And in any case, you still have to make sure the minimum wage requirements are met when they work more hours as well as either half time or time and a half for the FLSA overtime.