Legal Payroll Deduction

In the state of florida you have to be careful when you are making deductions to an employees wages that you do not bring his gross pay below minimum wage. My question is about an EE that has a child support order. He also has medical & dental premium deductions. He had a week with no pay and therefore missed his regular weekly deduction for his med/dent premium. Our payroll clerk took 2 deductions the following week to make up for the missed week but I am concerned because this "extra week" deduction took him well below minimum wage becasue he also had fewer hours than normal that week (26.5). He also had a voluntary uniform deduction that she doubled as well. I'm concerned that she should not have taken the extra med/dent or uniform deductions until she could do so without taking him below minimum wage. Does medical/dental deductions fall within the guidelines of this florida statute or is the payroll clerk within the law to take it?