Extra, Extra, read all about it! The recall in California is over....

Or is it? My favorite court, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals made the decision and the US Supreme Court may get another chance to, excuse me for this O' Republican collegues, fix another election if the decision goes up for appeal. This quote has turned into one of my favorites & I'm going to post it at my desk:

Dave Gilliard, a political strategist for the group, said: “The 9th Circuit is the least respected and most overturned appeals court in the nation. These are renegade liberal judges who time and time again seek to make their own law, rather than follow law.”


  • 21 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've read your post three times and am trying my best to decide if you are supporting Greyout Davis or bashing Republicans. In any event, I don't reckon it makes much difference which particular cartoon character sits in the California governor's mansion presiding over the state's demise.
  • I can't believe this!!! Actually I can given the reputation of the 9th circuit court. The case is over punch card ballots, and the ACLU is saying that since some counties are still using the punch cards we should have to wait until march when all the counties are using newer ballots. Gee, how come they didn't complain about the ballots when he was voted in last year! This just ruined my day, I'm going to have to go find a radio and find out more. I had October 7th marked on my calendar with a big smiley face on it.
  • See, that's my new trick, instead of saying, "I hope this doesn't offend," or other niceties, which I may or may not mean - I confuse 'em with my logic x;-)

    To clarify:

    1. I think Davis should remain in office, however since the recall measure is allowed in California, I respect the citizen's right to exercise the law and if I was in California, I would vote for Gallagher*.

    2. I just can't let it die that Gore lost to Bush on a close vote by the Supreme Court. I just can't, can't I tell you, can't x:'( ....

    3. The 9th Circuit is a joke and so therefore, any comment, quote, funny line, etc. that is said against the 9th Court I relish. x}>

    *(really it would be any candidate that doesn't derive a huge portion of their finance money from unions).

  • Not to worry, we are working our ee's OT to build electronic voting machines for California. $$$
  • Love it.. Gives us something to talk about beside religion or flags. The whole thing is mind boggling but creating a field day for comedians.
  • I have to say that I do not agree with the entire recall process. The people of CA voted him to office, let his term run its full course and then vote him out of office if you don't like him. It is all part of the political machine that is way out of wack.
  • I just had the strange thought of what if we had a recall vote in New York for Senator. But then I realized, HC might be running for president. Don't states like to say that the President is from their state. But then again,so many states could claim HC. Oh well,I guess we will have to stick with democracy and the winner of an election (unless they're impeached)until the next election.
  • Gee Ray, it would seem to me that your friends in California and those of us in Florida are responsible for your job security these days :)
  • You Democrats really need to give up on this "the Supreme Court fixed the election" BS. x:'(

    If Gore had managed to win his own HOME STATE, he wouldn't have needed Florida.

  • Scott, normally I would agree with letting him run his term and then vote him out at the end. At this point though CA voters can't afford to wait. Since he's been in office he's signed contracts with his cronies in the electric companies that are going to cost the state billions in overspeading, he's TRIPLED our car tax. My registration next year would've been around $100, now I'm looking at over $350 to drive a car that is over 5 years old. Not to mention the effect it will have on people with a fixed income.

    Then, he signs this ridiculous bill that allows illegal immigrants to obtain legal state issued drivers licenses. Another bill is on the way to his desk that will allow illegal immigrants to either waive or pay minimal registration fees at our state colleges. They are not even CITIZEN'S!

    And I haven't even the mentioned all the companies that are leaving the state or going under because they can't afford the high cost of WC insurance. Another bill waiting for approval will MANDATE that CA employers with over 200 ee's provide health insurance for all their ee's. That's just going to cause more and more companies to go under or leave the state. We simply can't afford to keep him in office, I'm actually thinking about moving from here, and I'm a CA native, but if it keeps going like this, AZ or Nevada is looking pretty good.

    And it's not just him, it's our state legislature that keeps sending these bills to his desk. CA is tired of them too and we can't recall them, but there will most definitely be some changes come next election.

    Sorry this is so long, I usually don't have anything to go on a tirade about, but this is something that I'm pretty passionate about as you can see. That felt good to get off my chest, thanks.
  • Thank you Yahoo for your comment. But you can't make me x:P, neener, neener, neener....

  • Scott doesn't seem to understand that the California constitution allows for the recall process that was put in motion. And, MWild, who says she is a military veteran seems to have forgotten that Albert Gore, et al, succeded in getting the absentee votes of all overseas military personnel blocked from the count and that he only wanted recounts in a select few counties where his handlers felt he might win, not to mention being defeated miserably in his own home state. Don't forget Scott and M, Al Gore invented God and the Bible was actually written to recount Gore's own life.
  • We seem to be in a silly era in politics and voting. It is hard to take elections seriously. This, is exemplified by the California recall. Look at how many candidates are running and the qualifications that most of them don't possess. The Games Channel is having a quiz show with candidates. One night next week, Jay Leno is having several of the candidates on. I have heard some of these candidates express their views--sarcastically, I say, I know three year olds who have a better grasp of the issues. One of the fast food chains is conducting a poll based on what people order and announcing the results weekly. And since tv is suppose to give equal time to all candidates, can you imagine if they all agreed to appear on the same debate.
    Every state has serious problems right now. Somehow, there has to be a way to attract qualified candidates to run for office. And more important, somehow there has to be a way to get people to vote.

  • Arnold was on Howard Stern! How impressive is that???

  • Agreed...we need more qualified candidates !!!!

    But...you knew that was coming-right?

    The current climate is so hard....I would never want to run for office...every essay i wrote as a college freshman would come back to haunt me!!! We seem to look for our leaders to have lived life just like the rest of us, but without having made any mistakes or errors in judgement.

    The local political climate is just as bad...and sometimes it's pitiful. You may have a well qualified candidate decide not to run because he doesn't want his preschooler questioned during recess.

    It's a weird balance...and I don't envy anyone that throws their hat in the ring.

    Also...the 9th circuit court is the most overturned....but it is also the court that seems to charter change in national attitudes. Many of the changes in our laws come about because of landmark cases in the 9th circuit---years and years later. We need this to balance the opinions in our legal system...

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-17-03 AT 07:10PM (CST)[/font][p]I've thought some more about this post and I honestly want to say that I didn't mean to be offensive or abrupt in this comment - just wanted to throw my two cents in...

    DeniseE - I personally don't agree with your statement on the 9th changing national attitudes - my attitudes are normally not always formed on knee-jerk liberalism. I also would rather not have my opinions formed by the least respected court in the nation. A court cannot provide balance if they are mocked and ridiculed on just about every decision they provide (what is it 23 out of 24 cases were overturned) & which is so left leaning - it makes me as a democrat - cringe. Just my thoughts on this interesting topic.
  • Don I'm aware that they can do this legally, I was just wonder why after only two years they are ready to though him out with the bath water. I was unaware of just how bad it is in CA. However, HRSage gave me some insight.
  • Nevada welcomes all of you. No income tax, no inventory tax, low registration fees, wide open spaces, great recreation, low workman's comp, etc, etc. The more the merrier - it keeps driving the value of my house up.
  • Whatever: The multiple candidate slate in California is looking exactly like the multiple candidate circus in the Democratic party. Now we have a general, pretending to be Dwight Eisenhower, who commanded troops in, what, Kosovo?

    MWild: Fret as you might. You get what you deserve when you elect the wrong people.

    Nevada: I hate you. How dare you tell us how nice Nevada is. We can't afford to move. x:-)
  • Agreed, I was thinking about voting Republican in the next election, but then I woke up and was relieved to realize it was only a dream....x;-)
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