A new demographic - Naascar men!



  • So, I guess the answer to my question is that we will see a fresh crop of new commercials and newsprint ad’s featuring men:

    · Happy (Viagra)
    · At any home improvement store preferably Lowes or Home Depot (depending upon who’s the most popular driver at the time), probably buying a Rubbermaid or a Dupont product.
    · At the local NAPA Auto Parts store buying Interstate Batteries.
    · To demonstrate undying support to the sport, chucking Craftman tools at uppity non-race fans in order gather support from their significant others to replace those tools with DeWalt tools, i.e. Man: “Honey, when that guy was walking by and started trashing my Jeff Gordon T-Shirt (and Belt Buckle, and Hat, and sunglasses, and Key Chain) I had on right to my face, I was so mad, I just started chucking whatever was in my hands at the time. Unfortunately, it just so happened to be my tools. I’m so sorry, honey.” The significant other replying, “Honey, I don’t blame you one bit! Obviously the guy was not a fan, no fans would ever say that about Jeff Gordon – did the guy have a funny accent? Do you think he was from, gulp, New York City? It doesn’t matter any more, why don’t you just calm down and go out and replace your tools. I’ve heard a lot about DeWalt tools, doesn’t Jeff Gordon use them…..”
    · Men at home doing the laundry with Tide and, rather than in front of the TV, surfing the ‘net (AOL).

    And finally,

    · Cheap, canned beer. (Coors Light, Miller Lite and Budweisser)

  • To all, I'm just kidding and I don't mean to offend.
  • MWild: Have you considered a mild anti-depressant? Or Jim Beam will work as well.
  • I opt for the Jim Beam...TASTES GREAT......oh wait...that's not the Jim Beam line...That's Tony the Tiger. Who drives that car? That's right the Ice Man!
    What goes great with Jim Beam...yes ICE. I just made this post come full circle. Can you tell I'm tired today!
  • Nope, haven't considered either one, but maybe I should x:-)
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