Dodging Dodge Ball

Albany, New York - a seven year old girl was playing dodgeball at school, fell and hurt her elbow. The injury required a cast and her parents, fearing a long-term injury, contacted an attorney and they sued the school for allowing the kids to play dodgeball. The state's appeals court agrees and the issue is now going to trial where a jury will decide if dodgeball should be played in school. So "jury", what do you think?


  • 15 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You gotta be kiddin' me, Mwild! How asinine!

    Kids fall down. Kids break things. Excrement happens!

    As Henry VIII said, "First thing, let's kill all the lawyers."
  • And, sometimes I want to kill the parents. Maybe, just maybe, kids are less active (and fatter)because adults took away all the joy of playing sports.
  • Beag! #-o It's Dick the Butcher from Shakespeare's Henry the VI that says that! x:D

    Henry VIII would have just cut their heads off...
  • x:-8 Oops. Got my Henrys mixed up.... sorry...

    In my defense, I will say that college Shakespeare was a looooong time ago... (kids still played dodgeball, it was so long ago).

  • But that comment is constantly taken out of context. The reason it was said is because it was the lawyers who stood between them and what they wanted to do. Hence it was necessary to get the lawyers out of the way so they could proceed with their dirty work. It was meant as a compliment to the lawyers,not a blasphemy.
  • >It was meant as a
    >compliment to the lawyers,not a blasphemy.

    Isn't "lawyer" synonymous with blasphemy? x;-)

  • I heard this while ago on the news that dodgeball is no longer allowed to be played in school because it's way too dangerous. Give me a break! I should be dead from playing all those dangerous kids games on the playground but I'm still here, alive and kickin'. People nowaday are a bunch of whimps.
  • This goes back to my post of "Remember When"... People need to learn how to suck it up - move on and not look for opportunities to make a quick buck.
  • Amen to that! We're growing a bunch of lazy, fat, whimpy kids these days...and they'll run our country some day. I hope my kids unplug me before then!
  • I broke my arm playing dodge ball on the last day of school when I was 9. Think the pain and suffering I've had. Not to mention "the twitch". Anybody know a sleazy...oops I mean good lawyer?

    I think the judge should sentence the parents to a caged dodge ball match with Ben Stiller and that other guy in that movie. A good pummeling with a dodge ball is good for the soul.
  • God forbid someone get hit with a baseball bat or slammed with a soccer ball. Well, maybe it's not the sport that's the problem but the parents who saw the lottery! And worse, a judge who allowed it. I have a daughter who was taken to the emergency room three times in one season - I could have been rich!
  • Geez - I broke my wrist in fifth grade doing the 3-legged race and the next week was picture day I still have the pictures to remind me.
    They sent me to the nurse to wait for my mom then to my doctors office for a cast.
    What's the time limits on filing a suit? $$$ x;-)

  • Can anyone say "tort reform?"
  • We tried saying "tort reform" in Oregon on Nov. 2, but the liberal democrats all choked on the words.
  • This reminds me of an unfortunate incident that happened last year. I had joined my daughter's 2nd grade class for lunch. Parent's are allowed to do this. It was a nice time. All my daughter's classmates showed me what they were having for lunch and vied for my attention. Meanwhile my 8 year old daughter cringed in embarrassment and tried to make herself physically shrink and, if possible, dissappear completely.

    After lunch, I stayed for recess. One of my daughter's classmates asked if I would play tether ball. Tether ball is a game where the hardest known substance to man is shaped into a ball, tied to a pole and then knocked back and forth at high speeds, until someone manages to knock the ball around the pole or someone is rendered unconscious.

    My daughter and her friend, Melissa, played versus me. It was all fairly fun and I tried to not hit the ball too hard. Back and forth we went and all was well until I somehow knuckled the ball a bit too hard and it flew back towards Melissa on a trajectory with her right eye.

    After contact, Melissa released a blood curdling scream and grabbed her eye/face region. The next few moments are kind of hazy but essentially we made the long walk across the playground back to the main office with Melissa screaming and crying and my daughter telling everyone within earshot "My daddy hit her with the tetherball!"

    Once Melissa was safely ushered to the nurse's office I decided awkwardly it was time to leave and go back to work. The nurse offered me the consoling words that Meliss was a "regular customer" with a wink.

    Since The Incident, I have not joined my daughter for recess, lunch, etc. I will check back in with her around high school.
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