Here Here! For Tony Blair

Cheers and kudos to Tony Blair who says 'If you want to come to our country and live in our country, you should accept our values and our way of life. If you come here and engage in extremism or support terrorism, you will be sent back.'
Oh, for those of you who are 'news challenged' he's the guy from England.
I'd love to see America adopt that approach to citizenship and immigration.
Oh, for those of you who are 'news challenged' he's the guy from England.
I'd love to see America adopt that approach to citizenship and immigration.
Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.
As an aside, the superintendent at the Greenwood, MS public school system, less than 100 miles north of me, just sent out a memo to all teachers that they cannot and will not admonish any child who sits down or shouts or wears a backwards cap or walks out of the room when the pledge of allegiance is being recited. This is what I call the Mexifornication of Mississippi by way of California, Vermont and Iraq.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. But if it does, it does.
America has been redefined over the years. A person resurrected from the late 18th century would think he is on a totally different planet, and not just because of the technological advances. Some of the redefinition has been positive, some negative.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
The planet will not exist as we know it if that sort of attitude dominates.
Along the same line, I recently read that the US was demanding that Iran better control their porous borders to better control terrorists if we were to resume relations with them. The irony is that we are unable to control our own borders.
However, I am absolutely stunned that Don is raising his (rebel) flag and applauding the Prime Minister, a devout follower of Labour (if Tony were dead, he'd probably be spinning in his grave). The earth has now spinned off its axis and we are all doomed. I would also suggest that Hell is now several degrees cooler than once thought.
But, more to the point, let's look at Don's arguments individually:
"simply applaud the notion that people are not welcome who would build bombs or applaud the building of bombs," Has the collective memory and written history of the American Revolution eluded you, Don?
"or who would slit throats and knock people out of the sky with shoulder fired rockets or condone same." Except, of course, our Special Forces, SEALS, Combat Controllers, Rangers, CIA, etc. in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia (sorry, that's drug-related and has no relevance), Malaysia... they are all not only trained to, but do engage in such activity.
Don't forget - Tony Blair's sentiment could easily be expressed against us (as in US) by Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or (much to our embarassment) just about anyone in the EU! We, as the only superpower in the world at this time, have a responsibility to make sure we practice what we preach!!!
When one points a finger at someone, there are three more pointing back at him.
What is wrong with a peaceful protest including simply refusing to recite the pledge. I remember having to say it every morning in school (before there was one nation under God) and it was
done by rote rather than any understanding of what it is suppose to mean. I would much rather have a peaceful protest than someone who born here blowing up a building (as in Oklahoma City).
But in response to the original post, Here! Here! If you don't like this or that country and how they do or don't do things, then don't go there. Certainly don't go with violent intentions of blowing up innocent people in office buildings and subways! If you do, be ready to get kicked out, thrown in jail, or whatever it takes to protect ourselves.
>08-08-05 AT 09:56 AM (CST)[/font]
>But in response to the original post, Here!
>Here! If you don't like this or that country
>and how they do or don't do things, then don't
>go there. Certainly don't go with violent
>intentions of blowing up innocent people in
>office buildings and subways! If you do, be
>ready to get kicked out, thrown in jail, or
>whatever it takes to protect ourselves.
Do you hear that America -- Get out of Iraq.
I am in complete agreement with the above - as long as it is in light of the specifics of over-throwing another government (even one which I would not personally approve of).
However, as a participant of the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's, which I personally participated in -- I could never condone an attitude of acceptance at any price or of my way or the highway. There is a reason we love free speech, privacy rights, fairness, law and order, etc., and I don't want to give it up because of fear of "terrorists" of any kind.
Afghanistan was our only legitimate call and we should have concentrated our efforts there.
Has nothing to do with diversity or welcoming immigrants. Whatever always has a real burr under her saddle blanket regarding anything Southern. I never knew a member, but, it's my understanding the KKK existed and still exists in Northern cities moreso than Southern. And it would be my guess that even those people were at some point immigrants.
Being Jewish, she surely knows of the agreement in Israel with Mr. Blair's remark.
Being Jewish, I certainly know that Israel agrees with Mr. Blair. Which is why I think they should return to America all those "settlers" who have moved to the Gaza strip and are "working" very hard to prevent the withdrawal of Israelis from the Gaza Strip.
Don- I know there is a problem with immigrants..however, I think we should be more concerned about the homegrown terrorist. Furthermore, with the exception of Native Americans, all of us are either immigrants or descendents of immigrants.
Dchr9203 stated above that it is not about race, culture and religion. I disagree. It is about all of those. Why did the terrorists hit us on 9/11? Why did they attack Spain? Why England recently? It's about all that and politics which has permeated race, culture and religion.
As I have said here many times, I grew up with and respected from the age of four; Jews, Italians, Mexicans, Chinese, Greeks and (my God!) Presbyterians! I never knew the klan had anything against any of them until maybe 20 years ago and I'm not even sure about that.
And as for the Aryan Nation, I don't even know who they're supposed to be other than a bunch of nuts secluded in the woods somewhere West of northern Arkansas.
For those of you who think I have Klan members living within 50 miles of me, I suggest you have them living within 20 of yourself.
We have had clan activity in the not too distant past within 25 miles of where I live. Actually, it was a little more prevalent a few miles across across the border in PA.
I will say that I see some similarities in the Presbyterian Church and government. We have a committee for everything! x:D