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  • At the risk of being sued or having Tom Cruise show up at my office to jump up and down on my desk and scream at me, I'll confess that I also had the same issue with L. Ron Hubbard's sci-fi books.
  • Every writer's work will be influenced by their personal beliefs so I can understand your reticence to read something written by someone with such, um, 'different' beliefs. I attempted to watch Battlefield Earth not too long ago (it was on television). I couldn't get past the first 5 minutes; not sure if it was because the movie was poorly written/made or because the whole thing was just too far out there...maybe both.

    My parents let me experience a variety of religions by allowing me to go to church with friends of various faiths when I was growing up; and in California there are/were many different religions. :D
    I did have friends who were Scientologists and my parents drew the line there.
  • I, unfortunately, sat through all of Battlefield Earth when it first came out in theaters several years ago. My daughter and I are both die hard sci-fi fans so we thought it would be a good movie based on what we saw in the preview. Wrong! But, at least the popcorn was good.

    I was also disappointed with the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still that came out this past December. Not nearly as good as the original, which has a somewhat different storyline than the book, written by Henry Bates, that it is based on. The book has a different twist and is also a good story, and is available from Amazon.

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