Can anyone guide me in having a conversation with an employee who smokes too much, has poor personal hygiene and shares an office with 2 other people? He's been approached by another employee in a friendly guy-to-guy manner suggesting he do something but the conversation wasn't taken seriously. Time for H.R. to step in. I need to have this conversation soon.
1. Expect them to be shocked. "What??? No one has ever complained before!!"
2. Stay focused.
3. Avoid saying "always" or "never". Say "sometimes your body odor is too noticeable".
4. Don't get into why they smell. Just explain they need to do something to make their body odor less noticeable.
5. Follow up.
I think it important to deal with it. It wont go away on its own. Be compassionate (and discrete of course) but firm.
I need to speak with the employee today so I'm doing a quick search for more advice as you suggested.
Wish I was feeling more "snarky"!
If you go to the top of the page and do an advanced search for "odor," you'll see some others. Hope this helps. tk
Give me their number, I will call and leave an "anonymous" message...:D
Good luck, that aspect of HR (dealing with sensitive personal issues) is especially tough!
Here I am! (so THAT's why my ears were ringing this morning)
And yeah, Paul, this is disappointing. When we talked about this in the context of your policy manual, we all accepted your explanation that this was a mistake that you had just overlooked in the many revisions of the manual. But now that you've repeated the error...I'm not so sure. :-)
(and wow, the format of this forum sure has changed since I was last here!)
Discreet discreet discreet discreet discreet discreet discreet... ok I actually typed those out. Happy?
:back to topic: