Tweeting can get you fired too..

An article about some folks that got fired for "tweets".
With the way phone companies here take jabs at each other in their commercials (AT&T and Verizon, I'm looking at you with your maps and Luke Wilson), I find it a little surprising that he was fired for this.
Do you have anyone at your company who is the official "tweeter"? Have you talked to this person about what is and isn't acceptable? Do you have a written policy?
PS I'll take one of those shirts. . .
Oh - BTW... If Vodaphone is going to fire their official Tweeter for ribbing a rival, they need to stay off Twitter. They obviously don't get it.)
I am our tweeter. You can find us at @HRHero. Wendi Watts has promised to bring in her famous homemade chocolate chip cookies whenever we hit 1,000 followers. We're at 999 this morning. i forgot to bring my lunch in with me today
I used to check Twitter and read other people's feeds (including Franks). I dont anymore (not Frank's fault). I just found it was way to easy to live without Twitter.
A social-media "specialist" with an agency that receives public funding tweeted:
[INDENT] We start summer hours today. That means most of the staff leave at noon, many to hit the links. Do you observe summer hours? What do you do?
[/INDENT]How many of you out there are still tweeting? Have you ever sent out a tweet only to regret it later?
I think this situation was similar to many in which the 'tweeter' is disciplined - it was actually organizational behavior, not the tweeter's, that was embarrassing. The tweeter was naive enough to think it must be okay to be public with the info, since no one tried to hide the embarrassing activities.