Goodbye e-mails

Just finished reading an article in the Wall Street Journal written by an intern who is contemplating what he will write in his goodbye e-mail to his coworkers at the paper. His main point is to remind readers who might be contemplating writing their own goodbye e-mails that these little bits of electronic communication will be permanent. (my favorite quote from the article "Everyone except our legislators realizes that the Internet is forever")
While I understand why an employee would want to write a goodbye e-mail to colleagues, it seems like a practice that would be barred by HR. Sure, some people will write nice messages. Some people won't want to ruffle any feathers on the way out because they hope to keep you as a reference. But some won't. Some employees would use the opportunity to say terrible things about coworkers, supervisors, and the company in general (using your own e-mail system, no less).
Do you have any experience with goodbye e-mails? Do you have a policy regulating them?
While I understand why an employee would want to write a goodbye e-mail to colleagues, it seems like a practice that would be barred by HR. Sure, some people will write nice messages. Some people won't want to ruffle any feathers on the way out because they hope to keep you as a reference. But some won't. Some employees would use the opportunity to say terrible things about coworkers, supervisors, and the company in general (using your own e-mail system, no less).
Do you have any experience with goodbye e-mails? Do you have a policy regulating them?
Now, I knew she wasn't the happiest employee in the world, but she wasn't the happiest person in the world period. Her worklife probably mirrored her homelife to a great extent. But after she sent her e-mail, it became the elephant in the room. The response to my reply was overwhelmingly supportive (and public, via "reply all"), and I think it ended up galvanizing the group and isolating anyone who felt the same way.
I can't prove that it's related, but I think the fact that we give them ample room to kvetch in the exit interview form helps mitigate a nasty email full of venting on their last day.
This made me start thinking about termination procedures. What is the standard procedure for your company when a termination is pending? Do you let IT know in advance so a scenario like the one described above can be avoided? What else do you do to smooth the transition?
To read the article click here.
And the irony! At least the CEO was aware of the power of e-mail. Good to know when you work at Yahoo.
Double OUCH!!
We did have an employee who left us years ago around the end of the year stand up at the staff Christmas party and encourage others to leave if they felt stuck here. I thought that was tacky. Its one thing to be excited for a new opportunity and its another to be insulting.
That same employee just contacted me asking for a reference....