Unusual Order of Wage Withholding - Garnishment

I received an order of wage withholding for one of our employees. First let me say that this is not unusual for our employees...student loans, bankruptcies, etc. are normal for the payroll dept. But the one that came today is from a new vendor, "Great Lakes" and appears to be for a student loan. This company is not listed as one of the approved collection agencies for the federal gov't student loan program. How do I know if I should set this up and send in the payments? Can anyone send out a wage garnishment order? How can I check to see if this should be honored?
You can also look to see if there's a procedure on the form for protesting the withholding. Many of those non-government claims will have a notice of protest clause that allows the employee to protest the claim, taking it out of your hands.
In general, we don't honor any garnishments or liens other than court-ordered withholding or state/federal government notices (tax liens, etc).
For what it's worth, Great Lakes purchases student loans from other financial institutions.