
We are considering implementing a moonlighting policy to either prevent our employees from holding second jobs, or somehow regulating this. We are noticing that some of our employees are actually using the internet at work to make extra cash. Does anyone have any thoughts on such a policy, or what should be included in it?
It sounds like you're not so much opposed to them having a 2nd job after hours per se--in other words, they aren't coming into work tired and unproductive (because they worked another job the night before). It sounds like the issue is employees selling stuff online etc. while they're supposed to be working for you. That becomes a disciplinary issue related to company property since they're your computers (not to mention that these employees are basically stealing from you when they run a side business during work time). You should distribute (if you haven't already) a policy on web monitoring and that you have the right to monitor their use of company property and set the expectation that you won't allow them to use your comapny property inappropriately. Tell them they can only use breaks and lunches to "surf" the net for example. Then, after you've given adequate warning, you should crack down on offendors who you catch conducting their own business, etc. online.
I think that while you may get some reisistance instituting a policy where you tell employees they need to use your computers for work while on work time, it will be easier to enforce than trying to prohibit people from taking or having a second job. Some people really might need the money--if their second job is not interfering with your business, they might feel justifiably upset.
What are you really trying to accomplish? If your employees are misusing your computer equipment, that is one matter, and one you can control......but you get to that by enforcing your IT access policy.
I don't see that you're too concerned about them coming to work on time or doing their jobs properly. I would tread very carefully on how you try to manage your employees' private lives. You are only their employer; going too far beyond and into telling them how to spend the other 16 hours of their day is perhaps a bit too "big brother" unless you have a really good business reason for doing so.