Re-hiring...Good or Bad?

My company is thinking about re-hiring a former ee who left about 2 years ago...i'm just trying to come up with the pros and cons of rehiring someone who left for another job. What do you all think?
My company is thinking about re-hiring a former ee who left about 2 years ago...i'm just trying to come up with the pros and cons of rehiring someone who left for another job. What do you all think?
Question... I was recently laid off from a fortune 50 company to go to a start up. The start up just went under so I am laid off the 2nd time this year. I have been posting for recs at my old company but have not heard anything. I know somtimes posting for a rec gets lost in the recruiters email, and in the hiring managers email, plus alot of people were laid off so there is a good pool of known candidates. That said, how do you find out for sure that you are listed as elligable for rehire? Is there a consumer right to view your hr file to make sure it is accurate? I was a good employee that was liked by my bosses. One of my supervisors was also laid off.
when they lay off employees can they look at other things like your health claims? I am just currious what is legal and what is just my mind playing tricks on me.
thanks for your expertise.
Hi Seymour
Some states have laws that require employers to allow employees and former employees access to their personnel files and may even require that the employee be permitted to have copies of the documents. In addition, some states require employers to provide terminated employees with service letters that spell out dates of employment and reason for termination. However, in other states there are no laws or regulations and employers are free to set their own policies. You might try calling HR at your old company and ask if they received your resume and also ask if you are considered by the company to be eligible for rehire--you could also ask to see your personnel file. If you have real concerns about descrimination related to health claims, you might want to talk to an attorney.