Exit interviews

Want to start conducting exit interviews and looking for sucessful-proven methods.
Send paper questionnaire to home address before they term or after they term?
Conduct in person or via phone, before or after term?
Contact all terminations or just those who gave notice?
Any "good" questions? Or any examples you could share?
We are retail with high turnover and most employees do not have company email access so its snail mail or phone calls.
Thank you!
It is our company policy to do exit interviews only with employees who have given their notice to resign/retire. We do it in person on their last day if they work in the office or we send them via snail mail to their home address and provide a postage paid return envelope for them to return the exit interview in.
We do not conduct exit interviews with people who are being terminated for the obvious reason that they would have an axe to grind with the company and you would not get an honest answer from them.
Exit interviews can be incredibly insightful depending on the scope and depth of questions provided. You also have to have a management team willing to listen to and/or take the initiative to read these exit interviews once they have been done and consider changing those things that are continually brought up.