What are you thankful for in your workplace?

I thought it would be nice if we could share what we have to be thankful for in our workplaces, despite this bleak economy, layoffs, swine flu, mega-stress, and everyting else being thrown at us.
I'm thankful that at my company, employees from all departments are pitching in to help each other with increased workloads while keeping good humor--and sharing homemade treats. We'll diet after New Year's.
After the year we've had, I'm simply thankful to be employed at my workplace!
On a more serious note, co-workers are doing a great job at my company too, in terms of stepping in to fill some roles/take on additional work as needed.
I'd also like to mention how thankful I am to see that our employees are just as enthusiastic about giving to charities this time of year to help those in need, despite the financial strain many of them are under...it's really nice to see that kind of generosity, especially when, for some of them, it truly is a sacrifice to make a donation. I'm proud to be associated with them.
I am thankful that my company is hiring right now. Not many companies are doing that. We are still watching our expenses, but I have brought on 5 new people in the last month. One of these new employees was laid off after 22 years with his previous company, another one was laid off after 1 year with a company, and another one had his own business and had to shut it down due to the economy. Feels pretty good to say that your company is bringing on people that have been laid off and were hurting financially due to this.