I was paid "salary" with base pay less than $455 / week

I got a bit of a complicated story but ill try to keep it simple.
I was a "department" head of a grocery store with a base pay originally at $400 a week when I got promoted. Then I got another pay raise 6 months later at $450 / week. Wasnt until about another year after that I was making more than 450 a week. In the mean time I was working 6 days a week. 9 hour shifts. With several weeks I worked well over 60 hours a week.
Long story short.. I was scheduled for 54 hours a week. Base pay of 400 / week + 1 extra day salary at "base" pay which was regular straight pay no over time or time and half. So I got paid $480 for the week. $80 / day. 80 x 6 days = 480. Gross before taxes. This "extra" pay was categorized as performance bonus on my pay check. I also wasn't in immediate supervision of any other part time/ full time employees. 99% of the time I was working by myself. No hire or fire authority. The list goes on. Seems to me I was made salary so they could avoid paying me over time.
What is your opinions // thoughts? This was about 2 years ago. I still work for the same company but im in a different position now.
Raise the issue with HR.
If you don't agree with HR's position on the matter, call the Department of Labor.
Be aware that after two years, you may be beyond the statute of limitations to recover anything. You would have to talk to an attorney about that.