Ramadan, request for day off

Hello an associate asked for 7/17 off for Ramadan on the 16th. The manager denied it as it was the day before the request which is not our standard process for asking for time off and we had already granted the maximum number of people off for the 17th.
Are we safe in stating that the request could have been submitted timely and in accordance with our standard policy and therefore denied on that basis?
The associate then no call/no showed on the 17th anyways. Thank you.
Would not have denied request. As is for religious reasons a reasonable accommodation would seem to be called for. Using a 24 hour notice as too little time is a precarious position to take. It now puts company on the defensive to "Prove" any undue hardship which may prove very difficult to convince anyone of.
Culturally sends a definitive negative message to work force aside from potential legal implications. I would recommend having a discussion with the employee and explain that in the future woould appreciate greater notification in line with your policy but that you understand the importance of the day to him and let him know there would be no negative or retaliatory action as a result of him taking this day off.
That would be my advice.