Just trying to search for an example of a policy for company vehicles. Search help?

I need a policy for employees who have company vehicles assigned to them. I need to hold them to safety and care of vehicle requirements. Any examples out there? When I try searching a lot of unrelated items appear.
thanks in advance,
If you are an HR.BLR.com subscriber we have several sample policies available that may meet your needs. These policies are in Word document format, so you can easily select the elements from each that are appropriate to your workplace, then revise the final document as needed.
Motor Vehicle Safety Policy (Strict)
Motor Vehicle Liability Policy (Standard)
Motor Vehicle Safety Policy (Strict II)
You may also find useful language in these related documents:
Motor Vehicle Liability Policy for Personal Vehicles
Automobile Usage (as a perk or benefit)
Procedure following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Additionally, HRLaws subscribers have access to this policy relating to company vehicle use.
If you do not have a current HR.BLR.com or HRLaws subscription, you may also be able to work with these free policies:
Company Fleet Usage Policy from SHRM
Brief Sample Policy
Sample Policy from the Texas Workforce Commission
Finally, if none of these policies are quite what you're looking for, you may also wish to check with your auto insurer. Where safety and liability are concerned, insurers often have sample policies and templates available for topics such as this.
I hope this information is helpful!