accommodation for not calling in

We have an employee who is hearing impaired. We also have an attendance policy where employees are required to call at least 15 minutes prior to their starting time or additional points will be assessed.

This particular employee did not come to work this morning and did not call. Just now (1:00 p.m.) his mother called telling us she just returned home from out of town to find her son sick at home and she was calling him off work today.

Question--is not calling off work a reasonable accommodation? I would think it is in this instance. Should I have the employee complete the request for accommodation and go through the motions even though we already know that he is hearing impaired? I think I should.

Just want to get a second opinion. Thanks.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you have a TTY telephone? I would think this would be an essential piece of equipment if you have a deaf/HI employee. If not, they aren't very expensive, and that might be a better accommodation to make than permitting him not to call if he is going to be late or absent. Of course, he might not have a TTY phone either, but even if that's the case I don't think not calling is reasonable. We have sensory impaired ees and we would not want to accommodate in this manner. You could allow someone else to call for him or allow a longer of time in which to call so that he could make other arrangements (e.g., get a neighbor to call).
  • The TTY telephone is the best option, however, does the HI ee have access to send emails from home to his supervisor at work as a possible accomodation? As the bumper sticker says, sometimes stuff happens, but the ee needs a way to be able to contact his supervisor or someone for such situations.
  • Sending an email is a great idea I should have thought of. Another idea, if the ee has a TTY or TDD phone and you don't, is to check to see whether your state has a telephone relay service for the deaf. Many (maybe all?) states have such a service that is operated by one of the big long distance providers (e.g., Sprint Relay Texas).
  • What does being deaf have to do with not being able to call in sick?
    Can the employee speak?

    If you have answered: Nothing & Yes it is a no brainer and give him points.

    If you answered Nothing & No, give him points also and make sure you are clear for the need for him to call in if he will not be into work

    My $0.02 worth
    The Balloonman
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