We do not have a policy as to when and if we can terminate an employee when out on LTD benefits. We have an employee who has been out on disability for 8 months. We do not meet FMLA criteria. We will need to hire someone at this point to fill her position as she is still out unable to do her job. When and if she is ready to return we may not have a position available for her. Can we terminate her now without risking a lawsuit? This is a first for me.
You have been more than generous with this employee. You certainly can terminate her. What you want to establish for the future is a policy with a uniform termination point for all LOA's.
If she is released by her doctor to return to work, her current position will not be available. What is our obligation under ADA at that point? If we offer another position that would be in a lower pay scale than what she is at are we obligated to maintain her current pay or adjust it? And if nothing is available? Thanks.
One last thing, as the others have stated, her employment status at this point should not affect her LTD benefits.