childcare reimb when traveling

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-24-04 AT 06:33PM (CST)[/font][br][br]What do your companies do for employees who must travel out of town occasionally and will need to pay for overnight childcare? Our company reimburses travel expenses such as mileage, lodging, and meals but this is a first.
1. What is a fair rate to pay and should it be the same in NYC as MS?
2. What do folks with no kids get?
3. WHat kind of proof will you regquire for reimbursement. If Grandma keeps them, will she hand write an invoice?
I would not do it.
Still, it does disadvantage people who don't have built in child care options (spouse/family who can take time, money to absorb the costs, etc.) so I keep hoping to hear from someone who has found a creative way to address this question,