Color Test
923 Posts
[font color="blue"]A friend sent this to me, apparently I am good with the right/left brain equally. First time out over 90%, second time 100%![/font]
Color Test Try It!
This will drive you nuts until you get the hang of it!
Color Test Try It!
This will drive you nuts until you get the hang of it!
With a name like Boobie HamsterSniffer, would I do that? ;;)
I just might rabbit x}>
: )
83% on a Monday afternoon!
Interesting quiz. Probably not a legal way to screen applicants though, eh?
0% on the first try and 13% on the next.
>0% on the first try and 13% on the next.
xflash Gone crazy yet?
Think of it as a 13% improvement! Not too shabby when you put a postive spin on things. x;-)
100% Second try.