Friday Bad Joke

HrinGA, I couldn't wait for you any longer. So here goes.

This is a very old joke that my grandfather used to tell every time we visited. He could never remember to whom he had told this joke so he told it quite a few times. He liked it and I actually grew to like it, even though it's not very funny. You will be able to tell how old this joke is as I'm telling it.

The buzzard, the turtle, and the rabbit owned a farm in rural somewhere. One day the rabbit told the buzzard and the turtle that he was going into town to buy some fertilizer and that he would return in a couple days. He then hitched up the wagon and off he went.

While the rabbit was gone, the buzzard and the turtle discovered oil while digging on the farm. They constructed an oil well and became very wealthy over night.

A couple days went by and the rabbit finally returned to the farm only to discover a huge mansion where the old farm house used to stand. The rabbit approached the house and just when he got to the front door a butler appeared and asked the rabbit, "Can I help you, sir?" The rabbit said, "Where's the buzzard?" The butler replied, "Mr. Buz-ZARD is out in the YARD." Then the rabbit asked, "Well then where is the turtle?", to which the butler replied,
"Mr. Tur-TELL is out by the WELL." Seizing the moment the rabbit then said, " Well can you tell Mr. Buz-ZARD and MR. Tur-TELL that Mr. Rab-BIT is here with the sh*t?"


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