Pay off vacation time?

We are a public sector employer and our employees earn vacation/annual leave. Can we as the employer unilaterally pay down or pay off those leave balances? It seems like "earned benefits" plays into this equation, but I can't recall how. Input appreciated. Thank You
We also allow ee's to "sell" back time 2x per year. .obviously that is not the employer doing anything unilaterally. . employee choice. . but we do pay it down at their request.
Hope this helps.
I think your state laws may play into this. But if you pay out at 100%, make sure there is no discrimination and give employees plenty of warning you should be ok.
Here we are not required to pay out all leave, and until a few years ago only paid out a portion of PTO when employees left. Now we pay 100% when employees leave, but employees who buyout PTO time only get it at 50%.
Good luck!