Max Rollover for Vacation Days

We're reviewing our policy regarding carry-over of vacation time from calendar year to calendar year. Currently, we do not have a cap on vacation carry-over, but the recent departure of a 20yr employee who took 501 hours of vacation with them has brought us pause. So, curious as to what others are doing as it relates to carry over maximums. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
san antonio, tx
san antonio, tx
We also allow employees to buyout leave up to once per year on a 50% basis (100 hours of leave off the books equals 50 hours of regular pay).
Long time employees can accrue over 500 hours, but management is ok with that.
[B]Can I carry over unused PTO from one year to the next? [/B]You bet! Currently, regular employees can carry over all their hours from one year to the next. However, depending on their length of service, there is a cap on the amount of PTO employees can accumulate (see below). Once you reach your cap, you won’t accrue hours until you use up some time; after that, you’ll start accruing again.
1st year employees 120 hours
2nd year employees 128 hours
3rd year employees 136 hours
4th year employees 144 hours
5th year employees 152 hours
6th year -9th year employees 160 hours
10th year + employees 168 hours
P.S. Still Need Coffee, I love the way your policies sound (so positive)!! Ours are written much more like "Thou shalt not!"
From accredited service date until 5th anniversary of that date 120 hours a year 480 hours max.
From 5th anniversary date until 20th anniversary date 160 hours a year 640 hours max.
From 20th anniversary date 200 hours a year 800 hours max.
Once you max out in your section then no more is accrued until you go below the maximum amount.**==
From accredited service date until 5th anniversary of that date 120 hours a year 480 hours max.
From 5th anniversary date until 20th anniversary date 160 hours a year 640 hours max.
From 20th anniversary date 200 hours a year 800 hours max.
Once you max out in your section then no more is accrued until you go below the maximum amount.**==[/quote]
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