OSHA Policy on MSDS sheets

Does anyone know from experience what preferance the inspector has for order of filing MSDS sheets for employees to view. Is it by ABCs of product name, chemical name or CAS Number or maybe even ingredients. Maybe? grouped by use, such as "lubricants", "solvents", "gases". What your opinion?
In my experience, OSHA inspectors are quick to fault any method that the typical employee cannot easily retreive the information. Usually they want to look it up when they have it all over them, so speed of finding it is important. The more complicated the access, the more difficult a specific sheet is to find, then the more employee training is required. As an example, if your typical employee doesn't know whether they are looking for a solvent or a lubricant, then MSDSs shouldn't be accessed by catagories. I've usually had a computer master list on Excel so they can be alpha easier when additional MSDSs are included. Then alpha them by what ever the shop floor calls it. Hard copies are alpha in a manual with a tab for the shop floor name. I hope this helps.