Topics to Cover in an HR Summit - Ideas?

I would love some input/ideas on what kinds of topics should be covered in a 3-day HR Summit.
Here is what I have so far...
Business Basics for HR Professionals
EEO/Employment Law Updates
New Hire Orientation
efeldman - what type of business are you in?
If you deal with a lot of Workers Comp issues then add that as a topic - ways to reduce costs associated with accidents/injuries, getting people back to work as quickly as possible (utilizing light duty if it is an option), have the wc facility you use come visit your facility so they can get a good idea of the nature of your business, light duty assignments, etc.
Recruiting - success stories, getting the most for your recruiting dollars (job ads, resume searches, etc.)
Is this for HR professionals or for business managers?
ADA and FMLA, either way....
Wagner Act if you are unionized or, if you are in a highly unionized sector.
We are a mid-size integrated media company (print, digital, trade shows), and we're bringing the HR team (5 people) together for 3 days and I wanted to come up with some relevant topics to discuss.
I really appreciate this feedback.
Fundamentals first
Legal Topics
Get your boss to pay me to come out there and do some of this over a weekend.
I love these.
There are some great HR topics here. You may also want to consider how your HR
objectives are tied into the strategic goals of your organization. You always need top-down buy-in to get things
accomplished and your overall HR mission should also align with your company’s
vision (not just being the HR policy police).
There are some great HR topics here. You may also want to consider how your HR objectives are tied into the strategic goals of your organization. You always need top-down buy-in to get things accomplished and your overall HR mission should also align with your company’s vision (not just being the HR policy police). <?xml:namespace prefix = o />
Nail on the head. I feel that many time HR departments and organization are not spending enough time or do not know how to think about HR from a forward thinking (forgive the buzz words) strategic standpoint. We as HR Professionals get so worked up on the nitty gritty administration that we often lost focus of the larger picture and objectives.
Id be interested in seeing ways to get business owners and HR professionals focusing on strategy. I am also a big fan of Best Practices.