Swine Flu

Since it doesn't look like this is going to go away anytime soon, I thought I would pose this question. Anyone doing anything about this topic yet? I have some employees that are traveling in the next few days and a couple are very uneasy about it.
BLR (host of this site) has written a bunch of news stories on swine flu and employers at http://hr.blr.com/news.aspx
We have had some cases in California and due to our proximity to Mexico, I am sure we will have a lot more. We are posting all relevant info put our by CDC, encouraging liberal use of sick leave and extolling the virtues of hand washing and other sanitary practices.
[quote user="regdunlop"]it is legal to require medical clearance from employees that go to Mexico for work or personal vacation?
Ask counsel if this will pass the smile test under ADA on the basis of safety. I doubt it. Can you think of another angle?
Has anyone sent out emails to employees on what your mgmt team has done and/or is doing. If so, can you share those emails with me. I would like to put one together but at the same time, don't want to make employees panic.
We sent an email to all employees noting that if they are feeling ill, then they should not report to work, and should see their primary care physician as soon as possible. We also plan to provide email updates regarding this influenza and have posted info from the CDC on our Intranet. Internally, we have also subscribed to the CDC email alerts via http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/swineflu_you.htm
As a side note, there are rumor there could be disparate impact on pigs, therefore we have begun to refer to the swine flu as H1N1 (as suggested by the CDC).