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  • Here are two policies: Employment of Relatives The Company may refuse to hire relatives of present employees if doing so could result in actual or potential problems in supervision, security, safety or morale, or if doing so could create potential…
  • The Company may grant leaves of absence to employees in certain circumstances. Request any leave in writing as far in advance as possible, keep in touch with your supervisor or the personnel manager during your leave, and give prompt notice of any c…
  • We don't distinguish between exempt and non exempts in our policy, either. The Company grants leave of absence to employees in the event of the death of the employee’s current spouse, child, parent, legal guardian, brother, sister, grandparent, gra…
  • My company is paying the difference military pay and their regular company salary for 6 months.
  • Does this employee have a performance problem? If they don't then why do you want some type of documentation? They could have called regarding a coworker or spouse. Unless the employee has displayed performance problems then I wouldn't pursue this f…
  • Rookie-I am California and so far the extra time women have under PDL has not been a problem for any company that I have worked for (knock on wood :-). Like FMLA, PDL can be an unpaid leave. It is very rare that a women is disabled by her pregnancy…
  • I would stop and take this slowly. First, I think that you have handled everything appropriately. However, have you called the employee at home? What has been your past practices where job abandonment is concerned? Stick to those. If you normal…
  • You may not want to hear this, but I think you guys may have jumped the gun a little on this one. Ideally you should have heard the accused out, regardless if you have a witness to the event. At this point, what's done is done. I would accept the…
  • I agree that you need to focus on how this supervisor is affecting the company financially. You should conduct an analysis and show how her attitude is affecting the performance of the employees in her department. This translates into low producti…
  • We require all candidates, regardless of level, complete an application. We may not make them complete the application during the interview, but eventually they must complete the application.