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  • I want a pierogie recipe too!! I make potato dumplings and I love those. They are similar to the pierogies. I am waiting for the recipes.
  • All Right Already! How were they????
  • Yay!!!!!!! I thought that was an impressive string of puns!!!! or whatever they are called.
  • Good One and keep it coming. We need to spice up this up so people will participate. I am sure there are alot of good cooks out there.
  • Good luck on the discrimination suit.
  • Hooray!!! Thanks and I will use the recipe as my template to discovering the Secret of the perfect Ranch Dressing.
  • Please let me know the specific thread. I want to see what Frank looks like too! Cheer up Frank. I have been working on one that the claimant's atty threw in another complaint alleging because of our industry we should have know that X had Y. Totall…
  • Here's an idea. I was shown this years ago and it is quite effective. Get a large kidney bean and place it in your mouth. Before you speak you must take the bean out and hold it in your hand.
  • Don't like her. Won't vote for her if she is the dem. rep. I can't vote republican either so what's a person to do?????
  • Crazy idea by a Catholic Bishop. I don't think God would ignore us by whatever name we call Him by. It has been told that the True Name is not utterable and that only a sacred few know the True Name. The rest of us are still trying to figure it out.…
  • Thank you for sharing the photos of the most beautiful coastline in America. I recogniezed many of the places from when I lived there. The coast is really as beautiful as the pictures. I am ready to move back. Are you hiring?
  • Hate to say it but Mercury is in Retrograde on 07/07/07. Contracts should never be signed (marriage for one) when Mercury is in Retrograde. I think we should track these marriages and see how long they last.
  • they are all great!!!
  • I love french fries. Seriously folks, when I bought the leather shoes it was the dilema of fake leather, petroleum product based synthetice, the war and killing humans or an animal. Sounds crazy, I know. Now a days they have good sweat free, death f…
  • I have some leather shoes, not many. I do not buy leather accessories. I do not eath fish. I have made a choice to live the harmless life. It doesn't mean I am not a hypocrite, I just try each day not to be as big a one...
  • I am a vegetarian these days but there was a place in Anchorage Alaska, where I grew up, called the Lucky Wishbone and They had the best hamburgers an omnivore ever could eat. I wonder if it is still there.
  • Does anyone remember the plot of the XFiles movie about the bees? There was some corn field and all the bees were being gathered into some sort of warehouse???? Can't remember exactly.
  • What is most amazing is what gets covered in the news and what doesn't. I never knew that about the McDonald's case. Why? Because it wouldn't sell. Sadly what sells is anything that keeps the American public riled up for say, about 10 minutes. Our l…
  • That is so true. Most people don't come back to compliment.
  • Experience tells me that these very large corps just punish the punished. They never quite get it. You call in, get an announcement to the effect "you have been chosen...if you wish to participate in our survey..." Then some poor Customer Service re…
  • Yes, where is Pat Paulson????
  • I don't think either party has much to pick from. Here's something I am going to throw in the mix...I am not too aware of it and I have heard some people discussing the candidates based on their Israel politics. It seems, and this may be just conspi…
  • I knew an EMT that said after an accident the EMT's got together and "talked it out". I saw Dr. Phil speak about the same need to talk, but this sensationalizing is just to compete with the networks and it doesn't seem to talk out just talk about. I…
  • The Amish could teach us a few things about handling tragedy.
  • Thanks Larry, that was excellent!
  • That's good! I read some of Imus' comments and I guess it's standard for the shock jocks. Not quite sure why people like that stuff. My youngest son is 19 and he thinks he's African American. It doesn't bother me the African American but that's how …
  • I don't listen to the tv or the radio, but something interesting here at work...We have staff sending jokes around the office. As HR I have asked that they not include me. People just don't get it about ethnic jokes. I started a Laughing Group here …
  • Who are you????? I totally laughed my head off with your remark. Excellent!!!!!!!! Elizabeth
  • I never watch it but I respect the judges for being direct and letting people know what it takes to survive in that environment. If you can't stand the heat... ERS
  • I understand. I haven't had to layoff in years and the only time we had to was when the company was shutting down. It is not easy and somehow I think companies could do better planning. I worked for one company that let a person produce her own staf…